You may be wondering why the title of this is not Travel by Kris’s Top 10 – I need to give credit where it’s due! Even though it’s now his favorite hobby – my husband was a professional photographer in The Netherlands for many years (he studied it and also perfected his craft with traveling and taking photographs all over the world). For inquiring minds – he was team Nikon (professional cameras) his entire career, but 2 years ago switched over to the Fujifilm mirrorless camera (and is loving the smaller/lighter size!). Over the past few years I’ve learned so much about basic travel photography from him that I decided it’s time to share it with you!
1. Straight Horizons
I think this is the first photography tip I learned from my hubby (also one of his biggest pet peeves in a photo). Unless you’re intentionally going for the off kilter shot – photos look much more pleasing when the horizon isn’t crooked. How did I not notice this before?!
2. Stand Away from Signs/Walls (when you want it in the photo)
One of my husband’s most important pieces of advice (and one he constantly has to remind me of!) is when taking a photo of people next to a sign or wall – don’t stand directly in front of it. Move forward from it, so your photo doesn’t come out “flat” and it has some depth (also so you can see the sign!).
3. Place People or Objects in Your Photos
While I used to want people to move out of way for that “perfect” shot – Stefan purposely waits for things to enter his frame. I’ve now spent many moments waiting for people to walk near, a bike to enter the scene or a car to drive by. Doing this, his pictures always end up more interesting than mine!
4. Shoot From a Different Angle
When Stefan and I are traveling – I’ll often find him crouched on the ground or scaling a rock or behind the subject – to create a different shot for a scenery pic.

5. Create a Size Relation
Sometimes it’s hard to capture the size of something without a comparison. A giant sequoia just looks like a normal tree until there’s something to compare it to. Parking our RV under them really put life to the size of these beauties in his photo!
6. Be Aware of Lighting
Traditional photography rules has one taking photos more with the sun behind you. “At times, backlight behind your subject makes your photographs pop”.
7. Move Your Body
“Don’t be steady, move around”. Even just stepping to the right or left can alleviate a pole behind someone’s head. “Don’t wait for someone or something to get out of the way – move yourself”.
8. Shoot Close Up
“Don’t trust your lens”. Again – move your body and don’t always click the zoom. Good advice for the most clear photographs.
9. Get at the Same Level
If you’re photographing children or animals – get down to their height. You’ll capture facial features, expressions and movements better this way than pointing the camera down at them.
10. Take Selfies
Even professional photographers take selfies (believe me, we have a “few”!). You want a memory that you were there – not only looking through the viewfinder. “Look into the lens!” Learn where the lens is on your phone camera so you’re looking into it. A simple piece of advice, but it makes the biggest difference in your selfies when you’re looking into the camera!
If you enjoyed these tips you may also enjoy reading “Travel by Kris’s Best Travel Advice”.
Until the next adventure – bon voyage!