Best Tips To Stay Healthy While Traveling

What to Pack:

-Take a small first aid/medicine kit. Stock it with immodium, cough suppressant, cold pills, etc… It’s worth using up a little packing space in case you aren’t near a drug store during your trip and you feel a cold coming on. Make sure the medications you take along are allowed in the country you’re traveling to (for instance Japan has strict rules about certain ingredients in cold medications). Also, TSA recommends you travel with medications, prescriptions, or medicines in their original packaging. Pack some masks in case you want one in crowded areas.

At the Airport:

Use hand sanitizer after passing security. Those bins you just handled are disgustingly dirty!
Wear socks walking through security. Your clean feet will thank you. 🙂 

On the Plane:

– Pack the wipes and USE them! Yep – I’m that girl you see wiping the armrests, tray table and seat buckle (as my husband rolls his eyes ;)).
– Choose a window seat. You’re exposed to less germs sitting farther away from the aisle.
– Turn on your air vent. The latest recent research shows air circulation is best to ward off the germs.

In Your Hotel Room:

– Grab your wipes again! Wipe down the TV remote, door handles, and all those high touch areas.
– Check the mattress and sheets. Make sure everything is clean!


-Make sure to check with the CDC, the State Dept, and with your physician – as your destination may require vaccinations to enter.

Food/Water Safety:

Know where it’s safe to drink the water. If in doubt – travel with a filtering water bottle. Remember to not brush your teeth or wash food with questionable water.

And last but definitely not least – WASH YOUR HANDS! We’re touching so many surfaces when we travel it’s one of the best ways to stay healthy on your trip! 

If you enjoyed these tips for staying healthy – be sure to also read my article  “7 Things to Do in Your Before Leaving on Vacation”. This can be a hectic time – hope this makes it a little less stressful!

Until the next adventure – bon voyage!


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