Before our recent Greek Isles cruise departing from Athens – my husband and I spent the day here. As this was each of our second visits to this city – we didn’t stay longer this trip. Even if you only have 24 hours – there’s still much to experience in this ancient city! Acropolis Make sure you pre book […]

September 29, 2021

24 Hours in Athens Greece

Off the beaten path from a typical trip to The Netherlands is the lovely city of Leeuwarden! Having friends that live here, my husband and I have visited a few times. 1. Oldehove Tower This landmark in Leeuwarden is a must visit. It’s actually leans more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa! Make sure you climb to the top […]

November 5, 2020

5 Facts About Leeuwarden

1. Carry small bills and coins for tipping, toll roads, purchases at markets and to use the toilet. Don’t call it a bathroom in Europe, as they’ll literally think you want to shower or take a bath (important tidbit I learned from my Dutch hubby)! 2. Look for McDonald’s! No, not for an American lunch! 😉 In most of Europe it’s “pay to pee”- […]

October 1, 2019

15 Best Tips While Traveling in Europe

Do you have a favorite themed hotel? Last July I stayed at the Im Schulhaus in Lorch, Germany for two nights. In 2013 this former school house was converted into a modern hotel with 44 rooms. I grew up attending grade school in the States – but from the moment we entered, I was carried […]

November 13, 2018

Back to School – My Overnight in a Former Schoolhouse

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