1. Make sure you remove all the old airline tags from previous trips.
2. Check your bag requirements and luggage fees with the airlines – size, weight, and how many bags you’re allowed. It’s usually less expensive if you pay those costs at online check in in compared to when checking in at the airport.
3. Place Air Tags in all your luggage so you can track on your own.
4. Install the airline app so you can also check your luggage status.
5. Secure all your bags with TSA approved locks (if not included on your suitcases).
6. Put 2 forms of I.D. on each checked bag in case one gets ripped off in transit.
7. Take photos of all your bags! I had an instance on a layover in Toronto where they used my pics to track down my bags, so they could make an earlier connection I was able to get on.
8. Double check city the city code (for expample AMS is Amsterdam – look yours up before you depart) on the airline attached tag. Be sure it’s tagged for the correct destination!
9. At the airport, ask if bags are getting checked through to your final destination.
10. Inventory the contents of all your luggage (I recommend snapping a pic).
11. Along with your contact info, I recommend putting a hard copy of your first hotel/destination in an outside pocket of your bag – as another way to be found if your luggage is trying to catch up to you.
Hope you find these tips helpful as your pack for your next trip!
Until the next adventure – bon voyage